Reverse Engineering Adonis: A Beginner's Guide

Learn the basics of reverse engineering with the popular Adonis framework.

What is Adonis?

Adonis is a widely-used admin system in Roblox. Reverse engineering it helps understand its functionality.

Why Learn Reverse Engineering?

  • Understand existing frameworks.
  • Enhance scripting skills.
  • Customize scripts to fit your needs.

Essential Tools

  • Decompiler: Converts code to readable format.
  • Text Editor: Tools like VS Code.
  • Debugger: Analyze real-time code behavior.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Get the Script: Obtain the Adonis script.
  2. Use a Decompiler: Convert it back to readable code.
  3. Analyze Structure: Identify key functions.
  4. Debug: Test in a controlled environment.

More Resources

💥Source And full tutorial: Adonis Reverse Engineering Guide

Note: For educational purposes only. Ensure you have permission before analyzing code.