getgenv().AutoSwing = false getgenv().AutoSell = false function doSwing() spawn(function() while AutoSwing == true do if not getgenv() then break end local args = {[1] = "swingKatana"}game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("ninjaEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args)) wait() end end) end -- teleporting function teleportTo(placeCFrame) local plyr = game.Players.LocalPlayer if plyr.Character then plyr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = placeCFrame end end function doSell() spawn(function() while AutoSell == true do if not getgenv() then break end teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").sellAreaCircles.sellAreaCircle16.circleInner.CFrame) wait(0.25) end end) end -- GUI local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))() local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({ Name = "Ninja Legends", LoadingTitle = "why are you reading this", LoadingSubtitle = "by diglt", ConfigurationSaving = { Enabled = true, FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game FileName = "Digital Hub" }, Discord = { Enabled = false, Invite = "wk2xtM8H", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD. RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up }, KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system KeySettings = { Title = "Sirius Hub", Subtitle = "Key System", Note = "Join the discord (", FileName = "SiriusKey", SaveKey = true, GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from Key = "Hello" } }) local Tab = Window:CreateTab("Ninja Legends") local Tab1 = Window:CreateTab("Other") local Button = Tab1:CreateButton({ Name = "Destroy Gui", Callback = function() Rayfield:Destroy() end, }) local Button = Tab:CreateButton({ Name = "Collect All Chests", Callback = function() teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").ultraNinjitsuChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").mythicalChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").mythicalChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").goldenChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").enchantedChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").magmaChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").legendsChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").eternalChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").legendsChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").saharaChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").thunderChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").ancientChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").midnightShadowChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").lightKarmaChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").evilKarmaChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").wonderChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) teleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").goldenZenChest.circleInner.CFrame) wait(1) end, }) local Button = Tab:CreateButton({ Name = "Buy All Swords", Callback = function() local args = {[1] = "buyAllSwords",[2] = "Blazing Vortex Island"}game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("ninjaEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end, }) local Button = Tab:CreateButton({ Name = "Buy All Belts", Callback = function() local args = {[1] = "buyAllBelts",[2] = "Blazing Vortex Island"}game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("ninjaEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end, }) local Button = Tab:CreateButton({ Name = "Buy All Skills", Callback = function() local args = {[1] = "buyAllSkills",[2] = "Blazing Vortex Island"}game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("ninjaEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end, }) local Button = Tab:CreateButton({ Name = "Buy All Shurikens", Callback = function() local args = {[1] = "buyAllShurikens",[2] = "Blazing Vortex Island"}game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("ninjaEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end, }) local Toggle = Tab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Auto Train", CurrentValue = false, Callback = function(bool) getgenv().AutoSwing = bool if bool then doSwing() end end, }) local Toggle = Tab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Auto Sell", CurrentValue = false, Callback = function(bool) getgenv().AutoSell = bool if bool then doSell() end end, }) Rayfield:LoadConfiguration()